Thursday, 12 April 2018

Why Hire A Digital Marketing Agency For Your Business?

Hiring a smart and efficient digital media agency is the key to success of many company’s marketing goals. As the popularity of successful digital marketing continues to grow, we affirm digital marketing has now become a way of improving business. Below listed are the 5 advantages of hiring a digital marketing company:

1. Not all the companies have in-house digital marketing division; and you certainly don’t need one

For small to medium sized business, building an in-house team for handling digital marketing efforts is actually wasteful. Since every company has their unique vision and goals; the skills and strategies that your company requires often cannot be met with one person. It would be a smart move to hire a digital media company or a social media company to tailor specific digital media marketing strategy for your business needs.

2. Your marketing budget is efficiently managed

As and whenyour company needs any digital marketing to be done of their business, outsourcing this task to a digital marketing agency is the best option as it gives you more control over your budget. Instead of hiring one or two persons in your company, hiring a digital media agency helps you connect with a number of digital marketing professionals who specializes in the skill set you need.

3. Gain new insight

When you hire a social media agency, you hire a team of professionals who can focus on creating creative social media strategies.  This increases your chances of having fresh ideas and content to make a better marketing plan for your brand/business.

4. Meeting goals on time

Since you have a dedicated group of people working on meeting your digital media marketing goals, it becomes easier to succeed. Every business has their own deadlines to meet certain targets. A good digital media company helps you draw a road map to meet them in less time.  

Don’t waste another moment and hire a digital marketing company today. You can contact Business Mantra here and get started on your Digital marketing front. This article originally appeared on ::

What Is The Importance Of A Digital Media Agency?

Customers today have access to all the information they need, any time and any place they want or need it. Thanks to the Internet and digital revolution, people are able to access required information via computers, tablets or mobiles. What you as a business owner should remember is that everyone or say anyone with a computer or a phone can influence the image of their companies via ex. Social Media.

How should you use digital media to get desired results?

Positive customer satisfactory comments and feedbacks about your company/product you (and your happy customers) can help you attract new customers; as well as help you build a long-lasting relationship. Not to forget, it sure works both ways! As much as happy customers can help you, same way unhappy customer can harm your business very seriously. That's the reason, as a business owner you need to make sure you understand about the following pointers:

Encourage engagement through digital media

Social Media is great place to reach out to broader audience. While you’re at it, make sure you use promotions designed to their interests. Audience engagement is in fact a critical long every day process.

  The more likes the better!

When it comes to Digital Media Company In Ahmedabad – Social Media cannot be overestimated. All those “Facebook” likes and “Twitter” shares can help a company grow as they build a brand for themselves. They also bring more web-traffic to the website. 

Your sure shot chance to get ahead of your competitors

With every passing year, more and more businesses choose SEO, Google Adwords or Social Media over traditional advertising methods. This is also the reason why you choose a digital marketing company that can help you shine out in competition.  

 Don’t be limited to one digital media product only

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It's important that you understand - digital marketing doesn't only apply to your website or social media. However most of the marketers create a website or an eCommerce and invest in SEO and/or AdWords. But to make your business stand out, you need a strategy that puts your potential customers first and use all the available digital media tools to do the same.

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Building Your Brand with Dedicated Digital Media Services

Building your brand online is more than creating a creative logo to get the attention of your audience and writing SEO optimized content. It’s an end to end task right from conceptualization to seamless execution where every step counts. At Business Mantra, we understand that digital media marketing has come a long way and has become an important aspect of success of any business. One cannot really survive for long in today’s competitive market without strong presence on digital front.

Online media have become a primary research platform for almost all people. With internet penetration through hand held devices, it has become even more obvious that wherever someone needs something he or she will pick up their phone to search for it and if you do not exist in top five results then there are very minimal chances for you to gain customer and have a profitable business.

Digital Marketing is all about your website design to its search engine optimized content, then placing you on online media at right platforms so that you reach the right kind of audience, and then turning those footsteps into real revenue generating audience. A Digital Media Company In Ahmedabad does this all for you.

It all starts with a small concept of letting your audience know about you and your product and how it is different and better than your competitors. Hiring a good social media company serves the purpose. A well constructed digital media marketing plan involves a complete package of optimized mix of all digital marketing tools like Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Best SEO Services Company In Ahmedabad, Search Engine Marketing, Organic Searches, Inorganic Searches and whole lot of plethora of things that need to be done at right mix to attain your goals.

It is obvious, that in every step a set of professional experts are involved to get the desired results without wasting any of your money.

At Business Mantra, we help you in building your audience with the help of a team of specialists who are expert into turning the audience into paying customers.

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Branding Your Business Using Social Media Strategies

Social Media have come up lately as a media with approximately 1 million footsteps a day. How can a marketer not use such large audience, right? It’s the perfect platform to showcase your product and with right social media marketing strategies your business can gain the best of the audience who can be potential customers.

At Business Mantra, we use the best of digital marketing strategy and use right social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and LinkedIn. Of course, with right kind of content and right audience you are certain to gain online popularity and loyal consumers.

The key to a successful Social Media Marketing Company In Ahmedabad is to put right and valuable content. This needs to be targeted at specific audience based on the demography and geography of your marketing strategy (This is why you need a good social media agency). This would help you increase the visibility of your product and business. It also about how creative and eye catching is your content.

A successful Digital Media Company In Ahmedabad strategizes methods to engage and leverage the right kind of influencers for your product and to maximize your online reach. Social media experts will design complete social media campaign around your required results with a budget to gain the most out of it. Of course, this cannot be a onetime activity, in fact it must be updated and followed regularly to keep reminding your audience that your product is there in the market and they must hurry up to buy it.

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Social media management is not a simple task. It takes a complete team of professionals – including designers, content creators and social media managers and analysts to create a successful marketing campaign. This is exactly what we offer at Business Mantra.

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Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Why Digital Media is gaining popularity?

The very concept of digital media refers to the electronic media which is interconnected via various codes and networks and made available to us in the form of various communication mediums like television, mobiles, e-books, video games etc... Compared to the traditional media, the very uniqueness of digital media lies in the fact that it can store tons of information with minimal effort and maintenance. While prior, promoting was principally restricted to daily papers, radio and TV, today it has gone past them.

Among the various forms of online media, the internet has grown today by leaps and bounds, thereby enabling companies to maximise their online presence and brand awareness. Further, it is beyond doubt that their mode of online activities and communication will definitely impact consumer behaviour. Over the last two decades there has been a major transformation in the field of marketing and advertising. Let us understand why digital media is gaining more popularity below

The ability to reach millions at a very affordable cost

Compared to traditional forms of communication via newspapers, radio etc...The power of advanced media and internet has opened up the entire world at our fingertips. The more the prospects, the more the business for companies.

Two Way Communications

Most of well established companies today ensure that customers interact with them about how they look at their products and services and establish a feedback mechanism, They regard customer feedback as paramount and use this platform to innovate and bring out new products and Consulting Services in real time.

Measuring ROI-Return on Investment real time

The advertising spend on traditional media compared to digital media in terms of return on investment is beyond comparison. In digital media, all campaigns are tracked real time based on demographics. The lack of such real time reporting does make traditional media less popular.

Got Constant Queries- Get Instant Solutions

Individuals go online to discover answers to their issues. A business should give an answer or an arrangement of answers for various issues. The critical thing to consider is the way a business speaks to its audience

No Inventory- Say Yes to e-commerce 

Over last two decades, the Internet and information has been the core focus of many people. The advent of search engines has done a good job in bringing useful information at the fingertips to every aspiring learner. From physical books to e-books, classroom learning to e-learning, online media has paved the way in reducing the amount of inventory and convenience of doing business with ease.
If you a company looking to increase sales and enhance brand awareness and revamp your online digital campaigns, boosting your search ranking, or if you are new to all of this, Your investment with digital media agencies will be your best asset..

Digital Marketing ::

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Social Media an important marketing platform to cover masses –

What comes to your mind when you here the term social media? Like everyone else it pops up in your head that your content can be consumed by the entire world in no time. In Contrary if you promote your products through newspaper it only has a varied reach and moreover the cost increases according to the region/country in which it is published.

The greatest benefit of social media is that it helps connect people all throughout the world irrespective of their location. One of the biggest advantage is that it is entirely free to start. The only investment people need is in the form of time. Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn has grown at an extensive rate and captured millions of users in a few years. The way the technology is growing it is obvious that more and more people will take its advantage in the coming years.

 When we talk about social media everyone wants action on it. A company's value is judged on the basis of engagement on their page. If a company fails to do so people tend to lose interest and tend to shift on other brands. Since people are free to share whatever they want, it can impact positively when good words are shared.

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 It keeps us updated about the latest happenings at any part of the world. How we see a content going viral within minutes and how a petty talk leads to a controversy. Working on this platform requires caution as the brands image can be made and get ruined within seconds.

When it comes about promoting your business be it online or offline the whole world is open to you, any enterprise be it small, medium or large can reach millions of people depending on its budget and the most interesting part is that you get to know the right audience and the demographic area that you need to cater and it provides insights as to how people are reacting to your products.

 It is a tool which comes up with instant feedback and lets you know which part of it is blooming and what is lagging behind, which helps to make smarter business decisions. It helps in building and participating in a community to discuss and share related stuffs and get when needed. People are using social media to get donation for needy people and it's become easier to provide help to such people.

Social media has its dominance to reach the largest audience out there. It opens a door to discover the new and innovative stuffs which can enhance our personal and professional life.
When a new company comes into existence it has become easier for them to gain its presence digitally and it also has an advantage to know how his products are performing.

Earlier people used to wander from door to door to demonstrate the new product in the market and with social media it happens with just a click which saves the effort, time and cost of the company.
From farmers to teachers, students to lawyers every individual of the society can benefit from social media and its awareness factors.

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Basics of Digital Media Marketing -

If we had to name one revolutionary change business industry have witnessed in recent years, it is how brands and business market themselves today. At Business Mantra, we understand the need to create a unique and comprehensive digital marketing plan for individual brands and business that is tailored to meet specific needs.

Digital marketing involves tools like social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, pay-per-click etc. to help your business. When it comes to social media, a majority of businesses prefer Facebook marketing, where as Instagram comes to close next. However, depending upon your business, a digital media company will help you promote your business on Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or other social networking sites.


The days of conventional marketing are totally yesterday. A solid digital marketing strategy can help your business or products reach thousands of potential customers every day. Digital media marketing is way more effective compared to TV or print ads.

The very basic rule of marketing says you should reach out to where your potential customers are. Well, everyone is on facebook isn’t it? A study said, an average Indian spends about 70% of mobile internet time on social media.

It only makes sense this is where your business should be as well. Besides, each social media designs their own algorithms, so that their users see content based on their likes and preferences. A good Social media company knows how to use those, for example facebook algorithms in order to target audiences which could be your potential consumers.

Hiring the right digital media company is the key to overall success of your marketing goals. Click here to reach out, discuss and prioritize a social media promotion strategy that is suitable for the needs and growth your business demands.

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